A ballad into the local Venetian Galleries (before the closing Biennale of Art 2017)
we all have a Venetian map, but this one is for local contemporary art galleries ;)
The 9 main contemporary local art galleries of Venice teamed up to edit a pathway for the closing week end of the Biennale of Art 2017. The project is called: Venice Galleries View.
Venice Galleries View initiative is realized a collaboration of Mara Sartore from Lightbox and Luca Zentilini from Lineadacqua. More content and map available here.
Why not visit the venetian local galleries? They know the market in a more local way.
Feel free to follow this walking ballad to visit: A plus A, Alberta Pane, Beatrice Burati Anderson, Caterina Tognon, Ikona, Marignana Arte, Massimodeluca, Michela Rizzo and Victoria Miro.